Example 3: Urban climate adaption

from pyclmuapp import usp_clmu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Here we use the RUN_TYPE= "branch" to avoid the repeated spinup phases.

The case (usp_spinup) is run for 10 years to spinup the model.

How to get usp_spinup ?

usp_spinup = usp.run(
            case_name = "usp_spinup",
            RUN_STARTDATE = "2002-01-01",
            STOP_OPTION = "nyears",
            STOP_N = "10",
            RUN_TYPE= "coldstart",
# initialize
usp = usp_clmu()
usp_or = usp.run(
            case_name = "example3",
            RUN_STARTDATE = "2012-01-01",
            STOP_OPTION = "nyears",
            STOP_N = "2",
            RUN_TYPE= "branch",
            RUN_REFCASE= "usp_spinup", # the case name of the spinup run
            RUN_REFDATE= "2012-01-01",
Copying the file forcing.nc to the /Users/user/Documents/GitHub/pyclmuapp/docs/notebooks/usp/workdir/inputfolder/usp
CPU times: user 1.04 s, sys: 268 ms, total: 1.31 s
Wall time: 2min 37s

2 explore the urban adaptation to urban climate


  1. case2: modify the urban roof albedo –> simulate the white/cooling roof for urban adaptation

  2. case3: modify the forcing –> simulate global warming

  3. case4: modify forcing and urban roof albedo –> white roof effect under global warming

how to change the surface data?

# change the surface data
    action=action,    # dict like result of usp_clmu.check_surf_data()
                      #or usp_clmu.surfdata_dict
    mode="replace", # optional; the default is "replace"
    usr_surfdata=None, # optional; the path to the new surfdata file,
                       #the default is "surfdata.nc" provided by pyclmuapp
    surfata_name="surface_replaced.nc" # optional; output file name,
                                       # the default is "surfdata.nc"


  • usr_surfdata (str): The path to the user-defined surface data file. The default is None.

  • action (dict): The dictionary of the revised surface data for the urban surface parameters. The default is None, which means no action.

  • mode (str): The mode for the revision. The default is “replace”.

  • surfata_name (str): The name of the revised surface data file. The default is “surfdata.nc”.

  • urban_type (int): The type of the urban surface. The default is 2. 0 is for TBD urban, 1 is for HD urban, and 2 is for MD urban.


# we have run a simulation using the `usp` object,
# the forcing data path is stored in the `usp.usr_forcing_file` attribute
# the surface data path is stored in the `usp.surfdata` attribute
# we can modify the forcing data by calling the `usp.modify_forcing` method
# and run the simulation again using the `usp.run` method

# if there is no forcing data path provided or have not run a simulation using the `usp` object,
# check the forcing, by calling `usp.check_forcing(usr_forcing="forcing.nc")` method

# if there is no surface data path provided or have not run a simulation using the `usp` object,
# check the surface, by calling `usp.check_surf(usr_surf="sufdata.nc")` method

# modify the surface
usp.modify_surf(action={"ALB_ROOF_DIR":0.2}, surfata_name="surface_modfied.nc", mode="add")
usp.modify_surf(action={"ALB_ROOF_DIF":0.2}, surfata_name="surface_modfied.nc", mode="add")
usp_surf = usp.run(
            case_name = "example3",
            RUN_STARTDATE = "2012-01-01",
            STOP_OPTION = "nyears",
            STOP_N = "2",
            RUN_TYPE= "branch",
            RUN_REFCASE= "usp_spinup", # the case name of the spinup run
            RUN_REFDATE= "2012-01-01",

# modify the forcing
usp.modify_forcing(action={"Tair": 1}, mode="add", forcing_name="forcing_replaced.nc")
usp_warming_surf = usp.run(
            case_name = "example3",
            RUN_STARTDATE = "2012-01-01",
            STOP_OPTION = "nyears",
            STOP_N = "2",
            RUN_TYPE= "branch",
            RUN_REFCASE= "usp_spinup", # the case name of the spinup run
            RUN_REFDATE= "2012-01-01",

# recover the surface
usp.modify_surf(action={"ALB_ROOF_DIR":-0.2}, surfata_name="surface_modfied.nc", mode="add")
usp.modify_surf(action={"ALB_ROOF_DIF":-0.2}, surfata_name="surface_modfied.nc", mode="add")
usp_warming = usp.run(
            case_name = "example3",
            RUN_STARTDATE = "2012-01-01",
            STOP_OPTION = "nyears",
            STOP_N = "2",
            RUN_TYPE= "branch",
            RUN_REFCASE= "usp_spinup", # the case name of the spinup run
            RUN_REFDATE= "2012-01-01",
# recover the forcing
usp.modify_forcing(action={"Tair": -1}, mode="add", forcing_name="forcing_replaced.nc")
CPU times: user 1.47 s, sys: 351 ms, total: 1.82 s
Wall time: 4min 38s

use ``usp_clmu.nc_view()`` to read the output files

ds_or_usp = usp.nc_view(usp_or[0])
ds_warming_usp = usp.nc_view(usp_warming[0])
ds_surf_usp = usp.nc_view(usp_surf[0])
ds_warming_surf_usp = usp.nc_view(usp_warming_surf[0])

3 Plotting

Note: ploting with time will need the nc-time-axis package, which can be installed by pip install nc-time-axis or conda install nc-time-axis

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# plot the original
dd = (ds_surf_usp['TSA']-ds_or_usp['TSA']).isel(gridcell=0).groupby('time.hour')
mean = dd.mean('time')
var = dd.var('time')
mean.plot(ax=ax, label='Original', color='#3964DF')
ax.fill_between(mean['hour'].values, mean - var, mean + var, alpha=0.3, color='#3964DF')

# plot the warming
dd = (ds_warming_surf_usp['TSA']-ds_warming_usp['TSA']).isel(gridcell=0).groupby('time.hour')
mean = dd.mean('time')
var = dd.var('time')
mean.plot(ax=ax, label='Warming 1 K', color='#E02927')
ax.fill_between(mean['hour'].values, mean - var, mean + var, alpha=0.3, color='#E02927')

ax.set_xlabel('Local hour of day', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Temperature difference [K]', fontsize=14)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=12)

plt.savefig('figs/example3_usp.pdf', dpi=300)

clean up the case files


# when you using ups.run(crun_type='usp-exec') --> see warmup section
# the case files in ./workdir/ouptutfolder/your_case, ./workdir/logfolder/your_case,
# and ./workdir/inputfoler/usp will be removed.

# when you using ups.run(crun_type='run') or ups.run(), the default crun_type is 'run'
# only ./workdir/inputfoler/usp will be removed.