pyclmuapp on HPC: Command line
Junjie Yu, 2024-06-19
before running the script, you need to load the following modules: pip install pyclmuapp
For now, HPC is more favoribale for apptainer/singularity
We provide pyclmuapp_hpc
bash script to make more lightwiegt usage of pyclmuapp
test pyclmuapp
! pyclmuapp -v
pyclmuapp 0.0.0. Author: Junjie Yu. Email:
here we use the provide pyclmuapp_hpc
script to quickly run the pyclmuapp
command on the HPC.
! sh pyclmuapp_hpc --task init
# this is equivalent to the following command
# container_type=singularity
# pyclmuapp --has_container False --container_type $container_type --init True
# folders will be created in the current directory
# the container will be downloaded and the image will be created
Start pyclmuapp
container_type: singularity
task: init
Start time: Wed 19 Jun 2024 10:06:13 PM BST
Namespace(case_name='usp_case', clean=False, container_type='singularity', end_month=12, end_year=2012, forcing_action=0, forcing_var=None, has_container=True, hist_mfilt=1000000000, hist_nhtfrq=1, hist_type='GRID', iflog=True, init=True, input_path=None, lat=None, log_path=None, logfile='pyclmuapp.log', lon=None, output_path=None, output_prefix='', outputname='', pct_urban=[0, 0, 100.0], pwd='/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp', pyclmuapp_mode='usp', run_refcase='None', run_refdate='None', run_startdate=None, run_type='coldstart', script=None, scripts_path=None, soildata=None, start_month=1, start_year=2012, stop_n='1', stop_option='ndays', surf_action=0, surf_var=None, urbsurf=None, usr_domain=None, usr_forcing=None, usr_surfdata=None, zbot=30)
Folder 'inputfolder' created successfully!
Folder 'outputfolder' created successfully!
Folder 'logfolder' created successfully!
Folder 'scriptsfolder' created successfully!
Folder '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp/inputfolder/usp' created successfully!
The pyclmuapp is initialized.
! sh pyclmuapp_hpc
# revise the parameters in the pyclmuapp_hpc before running the command
# 1. pwd or input_path, output_path, log_path, scripts_path
# 2. usr_forcing, usr_surfdatab
Start pyclmuapp
container_type: singularity
task: usp
Start time: Wed 19 Jun 2024 10:06:16 PM BST
Namespace(case_name='pyclmuapp', clean=False, container_type='singularity', end_month=12, end_year=2012, forcing_action=0, forcing_var=None, has_container=True, hist_mfilt=1000000000, hist_nhtfrq=1, hist_type='GRID', iflog=True, init=False, input_path=None, lat=None, log_path=None, logfile='pyclmuapp.log', lon=None, output_path=None, output_prefix='', outputname='', pct_urban=[0, 0, 100.0], pwd='/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp', pyclmuapp_mode='usp', run_refcase='None', run_refdate='None', run_startdate='2012-01-01', run_type='coldstart', script=None, scripts_path=None, soildata=None, start_month=1, start_year=2012, stop_n='15', stop_option='ndays', surf_action=0, surf_var=None, urbsurf=None, usr_domain=None, usr_forcing='', usr_surfdata='', zbot=30)
Folder 'inputfolder' already exists.
Folder 'outputfolder' already exists.
Folder 'logfolder' already exists.
Folder 'scriptsfolder' already exists.
Folder '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp/inputfolder/usp' already exists.
Copying the file to the /mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp/inputfolder/usp
The case is: pyclmuapp
The log file is: pyclmuapp.log
The output file is: {'original': ['/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/junjieyu/pyclmuapp/outputfolder/lnd/hist/']}
the pyclmuapp_hpc
is a shell script that contains the following commands:
! cat pyclmuapp_hpc
#! bin/bash
# Junjie Yu, Manchester, UK, 2024-06-19
# This is an example script to run pyclmuapp
# =================================================================================================
# Before running this script, please make sure you have installed pyclmuapp and docker/singularity
# You can install pyclmuapp by running: pip install pyclmuapp
# then you can run the following command to check if pyclmuapp is installed successfully:
# $ pyclmuapp -h
# =================================================================================================
# before running this script, you also need to revise the following parameters:
# 1. pwd or input_path, output_path, log_path, scripts_path
# 2. usr_forcing, usr_surfdata
# 4. lat, lon, zbot, start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month
# 5. pct_urban, urbsurf, soildata
# =================================================================================================
# also you need to download the urban surface data file and soil data file
# The download link is provided in the script
# How to run this script:
# $ bash --container_type docker --task usp # or get_forcing, get_surfdata, init
# $ bash --container_type singularity --task usp # or get_forcing, get_surfdata, init
# =================================================================================================
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
shift 2
shift 2
echo "Unknown option: $1"
exit 1
echo "Start pyclmuapp"
echo "container_type: $container_type"
echo "task: $task"
echo "Start time: $(date)"
if [ $task == "init" ]; then
pyclmuapp --has_container False --container_type $container_type --init True
if [ $task == "usp" ]; then
# must revise the
# 1. pwd or input_path, output_path, log_path, scripts_path
# 2. usr_forcing, usr_surfdata
pyclmuapp \
--container_type $container_type \
--iflog True \
--logfile "pyclmuapp.log" \
--usr_forcing "" \
--usr_surfdata "" \
--RUN_STARTDATE "2012-01-01" \
--STOP_OPTION "ndays" \
--STOP_N "15" \
--RUN_TYPE "coldstart" \
--hist_type "GRID" \
--hist_nhtfrq "1" \
--hist_mfilt "1000000000" \
--output_prefix "" \
--CASE_NAME "pyclmuapp" \
--run_type "coldstart" \
--run_refcase "None" \
--run_refdate "None"
if [ $task == "get_forcing" ]; then
# revise the lat, lon, zbot, start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month
pyclmuapp \
--pyclmuapp_mode get_forcing \
--lat 51.5074 --lon 0.1278 --zbot 30 \
--start_year 2012 --end_year 2012 \
--start_month 1 --end_month 12
if [ $task == "get_surfdata" ]; then
# revise the lat, lon, pct_urban, urbsurf, soildata
pyclmuapp \
--pyclmuapp_mode get_surfdata \
--lat 51.5074 --lon 0.1278 \
--outputname "" \
--pct_urban 0,0,100.0 \
--urbsurf "./inputfolder/" \
--soildata "./inputfolder/"
# how to download the urban surface data file:
#wget --no-check-certificate -O {soildata_name} \
#wget --no-check-certificate -O {urbsurf_name} \
# pyclmuapp -h
#usage: pyclmuapp [-h] [--version] [--init INIT] [--pwd PWD] [--container_type CONTAINER_TYPE] [--input_path INPUT_PATH]
# [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] [--log_path LOG_PATH] [--scripts_path SCRIPTS_PATH] [--pyclmuapp_mode PYCLMUAPP_MODE]
# [--has_container HAS_CONTAINER] [--usr_domain USR_DOMAIN] [--usr_forcing USR_FORCING] [--usr_surfdata USR_SURFDATA]
# [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--case_name CASE_NAME] [--run_startdate RUN_STARTDATE] [--stop_option STOP_OPTION]
# [--stop_n STOP_N] [--run_type RUN_TYPE] [--run_refcase RUN_REFCASE] [--run_refdate RUN_REFDATE] [--iflog IFLOG]
# [--logfile LOGFILE] [--hist_type HIST_TYPE] [--hist_nhtfrq HIST_NHTFRQ] [--hist_mfilt HIST_MFILT] [--clean CLEAN]
# [--surf_var SURF_VAR] [--surf_action SURF_ACTION] [--forcing_var FORCING_VAR] [--forcing_action FORCING_ACTION] [--script SCRIPT]
# [--urbsurf URBSURF] [--soildata SOILDATA] [--pct_urban PCT_URBAN] [--lat LAT] [--lon LON] [--outputname OUTPUTNAME] [--zbot ZBOT]
# [--start_year START_YEAR] [--end_year END_YEAR] [--start_month START_MONTH] [--end_month END_MONTH]
#pyclmuapp command line tool.
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --version, -v show program's version number and exit
# --init INIT Init pyclmuapp, default is False
# --pwd PWD Param for usp and script. Current working directory, default is pwd, can be none. If is not none, the the input_path,
# output_path, log_path, scripts_path will be used in pwd or be created. If none, the input_path, output_path, log_path,
# scripts_path should be provided.
# --container_type CONTAINER_TYPE
# Param for usp and script. Container type, default is docker, can be singularity
# --input_path INPUT_PATH
# Param for usp and script. CTSM input path, default is None. The path will be binded to "inputdata" in container
# --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
# Param for usp and script. CTSM output path, default is None. The path will be binded to "Archive" in container
# --log_path LOG_PATH Param for usp and script. CTSM log path, default is None. The path will be binded to "CaseOutputs" in container
# --scripts_path SCRIPTS_PATH
# Param for usp and script. CTSM scripts path, default is None. The path will be binded to "/p/scripts" in container
# --pyclmuapp_mode PYCLMUAPP_MODE
# pyclmuapp mode, default is usp, can be script, pts, get_forcing, get_surfdata
# --has_container HAS_CONTAINER
# Param for usp and script. Has container, default is True
# --usr_domain USR_DOMAIN
# Param for usp. User domain file, default is None
# --usr_forcing USR_FORCING
# Param for usp. User forcing file, default is None
# --usr_surfdata USR_SURFDATA
# Param for usp. User surface data file, default is None
# --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
# Param for usp. Output file name prefix, default is, is used to generate the output file of pyclmuapp
# --case_name CASE_NAME
# Param for usp. Case name, default is usp_case
# --run_startdate RUN_STARTDATE
# Param for usp. Start date, default is None
# --stop_option STOP_OPTION
# Param for usp. Stop option, default is ndays, can be nyears, nmonths, ndays
# --stop_n STOP_N Param for usp. Stop number, default is 1
# --run_type RUN_TYPE Param for usp. Run type, default is coldstart, can be branch
# --run_refcase RUN_REFCASE
# Param for usp. Reference case, default is None
# --run_refdate RUN_REFDATE
# Param for usp. Reference date, default is None
# --iflog IFLOG Param for usp and script. If log, default is True
# --logfile LOGFILE Param for usp and script. Log file, default is pyclmuapp.log
# --hist_type HIST_TYPE
# Param for usp. ouput type. Can be GRID, LAND, COLS, default is GRID
# --hist_nhtfrq HIST_NHTFRQ
# Param for usp. History file frequency, default is 1 (ouput each time step)
# --hist_mfilt HIST_MFILT
# Param for usp. each history file will include mfilt time steps, default is 1000000000
# --clean CLEAN Param for usp. Clean, default is False
# --surf_var SURF_VAR Param for usp. Surface variable, default is None. Can be one/some (use ','(withou space to seperate each)) of
# G_MIN'
# --surf_action SURF_ACTION
# Param for usp. Surface action, default is None. The number is same as surf_var with "," seperated (not ", ")
# --forcing_var FORCING_VAR
# 'Param for usp. Forcing variable, default is None. Can be one/some (use ','(withou space to seperate each)) of
# 'Prectmms','Wind','LWdown','PSurf','Qair','Tair','SWdown'
# --forcing_action FORCING_ACTION
# Param for usp. Forcing action, default is None. The number is same as forcing_var with "," seperated (not ", ")
# --script SCRIPT Param for script. Script file in container, default is None
# --urbsurf URBSURF Param for get_surfdata. Urban surface data file, default is None. Here to download the urban surface data file:
# --soildata SOILDATA Param for get_surfdata. Soil data file, default is None. Here to download the soil data file: https://svn-ccsm-
# --pct_urban PCT_URBAN
# Param for get_surfdata. Percentage of urban land use in each density class, sum should be 100, default is [0,0,100.0]
# --lat LAT Param for get_surfdata and get_forcing. Latitude of the urban area, default is None
# --lon LON Param for get_surfdata and get_forcing. Longitude of the urban area, default is None
# --outputname OUTPUTNAME
# Param for get_surfdata. Output file name, default is
# --zbot ZBOT Param for get_forcing. zbot, default is 30 meters
# --start_year START_YEAR
# Param for get_forcing. Start year, default is 2012
# --end_year END_YEAR Param for get_forcing. End year, default is 2012
# --start_month START_MONTH
# Param for get_forcing. Start month, default is 1
# --end_month END_MONTH
# Param for get_forcing. End month, default is 12
#For any question, contact