
Below are installation instructions for setting up via the command line in a bash environment. We recommend managing the environment using Conda.

Quick Installation#

In case all required packages are already installed in a certain Conda virtual environment, install IPTpy directly using the methods below.

  • Method1: Install IPTpy by pip.

pip install iptpy
  • Method2: Install IPTpy by Conda.

conda install -c conda-forge iptpy
  • Method3: Install IPTpy by cloning the repository.

git clone
cd IPTpy
pip install .

Installation Step by Step#

Otherwise, create a new virtual environment and install required packages and IPTpy step by step.

Step 1: Check the Python path and virtual environment#

  • Check the Python path.

which python3
  • List and choose an existing virtual environment for installation.

# list Conda virtual environment and choose one
conda env list
  • Or, create a new virtual environment for installation.

# create a Conda virtual environment
conda create -n myenv

# or create a Conda virtual environment with a specific version of Python
conda create -n myenv python=3.9

# or create a Conda virtual environment with a specific version of Python and packages
conda create -n myenv python=3.9 -c conda-forge numpy xarray pandas datetime netcdf4 esmpy xesmf

# or create a Conda virtual environment with required packages using .yml
conda env create -n myenv -f requirements.yml

Step 2: Install IPTpy#

  • Install IPTpy in a Conda virtual environment.

conda activate myenv
conda install -c conda-forge iptpy

Step 3: Verify installation#

  • Verify installation in a Conda virtual environment.

conda list iptpy

Step 4: Deactivation#

  • Deactivate Conda virtual environment after installation.

conda deactivate



IPTpy requires seven packages for its functionality.

  • numpy: A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

  • xarray: Working with labeled arrays and datasets.

  • pandas: A data analysis and manipulation tool.

  • netcdf4: A Python interface to the netCDF C library.

  • esmpy: ESMF Python regridding interface.

  • xesmf: Universal regridder for geospatial data.

For reference, the following version setup works: numpy=2.0.2, xarray=2024.7.0, pandas=2.2.3, netcdf4=1.7.1, esmfpy=8.6.1, xesmf=0.8.7. Specifying versions during installation as follow:

# using conda
conda install -c conda-forge numpy=2.0.2 xarray=2024.7.0 pandas=2.2.3 netCDF4=1.7.1 esmpy=8.6.1 xesmf=0.8.7