
How to cite IPTpy?#

If you use this software, we would appreciate a citation!

Each IPT-py version is assigned a separate Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to allow users to access older releases. This ensures that users are not only able to cite the specific software version through DOIs but are also able to download & use the corresponding release for reproducibility purposes.

DOIs for all the IPTpy versions can be found on Zenodo.

Example citations#

  • Cite a specific version of IPTpy:

Yuan Sun, Zhonghua Zheng. (2025). Python-based Input Processing Tools for CESM: IPTpy (v0.0.0) [Software]. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14892710.
  • Or, cite IPTpy without referring to a specific version:

Yuan Sun, Zhonghua Zheng. (2025). Python-based Input Processing Tools for CESM: IPTpy [Software]. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14892709.