Run a CLM case

We use the interactive way to run CLM case via docker container

If you don’t have the clmu-app container, please refer to Run container

# If there is a container (named myclmu), start the clmu container
# myclmu must have been created by the envdes/clmu-app image with hostname clmu-app
docker start myclmu

# Use interactivate way to operate container
docker exec -it myclmu /bin/bash
# Now we are in the Fedora 31 Bash.

Try to run a single-point case

How to run a single-point case?

# Create a case at the single-point resolutions with their forcing
./create_newcase -case testSPDATASETnAtmForcing -res 1x1_vancouverCAN -compset I1PtClm50SpGs
cd testSPDATASETnAtmForcing

# Figure out the start and end date for this dataset
# You can do this by examining the datafile.
export STOP_N=30
export START_YEAR=1992
export STARTDATE=${START_YEAR}-08-12

# There will need plenty of input data, so it will take a long time to download the data.
# Make sure you have enough space to store the data.

If you get the result like

copying file /p/scratch/CESMDATAROOT/CaseOutputs/testSPDATASETnAtmForcing/run/ to /p/scratch/CESMDATAROOT/Archive/rest/1992-08-13-21600/
Archiving restarts for dart (esp)
Archiving history files for datm (atm)
Archiving history files for clm (lnd)
Archiving history files for mosart (rof)
Archiving history files for drv (cpl)
Archiving history files for dart (esp)
st_archive completed
ERROR: No result from jobs [('', None), ('case.st_archive', ' or case.test')]

Congratulations, you mostly successfully run your case.

If not, try to ask for help in CESM FORUM

check the result

ncdump -h /p/scratch/CESMDATAROOT/Archive/rest/1992-08-13-21600/
# You will see the result of the case.
#        double fractions_lx_lfrin(fractions_lx_ny, fractions_lx_nx) ;
#                fractions_lx_lfrin:_FillValue = 1.e+30 ;
#                fractions_lx_lfrin:units = "unknown" ;
#                fractions_lx_lfrin:long_name = "unknown" ;
#                fractions_lx_lfrin:standard_name = "unknown" ;
#                fractions_lx_lfrin:internal_dname = "fractions_lx" ;
#// global attributes:
#                :file_version = "cpl7v10" ;
#                :model_doi_url = "" ;